Maplestory การอัพสกิลอาชีพ Archer - Bow Master
สร้างความสามารถในการเป็นพื้นฐานของการยิงธนู เพิ่มช่วงความเร็วในการเคลื่อนที่และความเร็วในการเคลื่อนที่สูงสุด
Level 1: Range +8, Movement Speed +2, Max Movement Speed Increased to 146
Level 15: Range +120, Movement Speed +30, Max Movement Speed Increased to 160
Level 15: Range +120, Movement Speed +30, Max Movement Speed Increased to 160
ช่วยให้คุณสามารถกระโดดสองครั้งเพื่อให้ครอบคลุมระยะทางมากขึ้น แตะสองครั้งที่ปุ่ม↑, ↑เพื่อข้ามไปหนึ่งครั้งใน midair กดปุ่ม↓, ↓เพื่อลงมาอย่างรวดเร็ว
Level 1: MP Cost: 28, jumps further
Level 10: MP Cost: 10, jumps further
Level 10: MP Cost: 10, jumps further
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 4
Level 20: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 295%, Max Enemies Hit: 4
เพิ่ม Critical Rate ในการโจมตี
Level 1: Critical Hit Rate: +2%
Level 20: Critical Hit Rate: +40%
Level 20: Critical Hit Rate: +40%
1. Archer Mastery อัพแต้ม 1, Arrow Blow อัพแต้ม 1
2. Double Jump อัพให้เต็ม
3. Archer Mastery อัพให้เต็ม
4. Arrow Blow อัพให้เต็ม
5. Critical Shot อัพให้เต็ม
เพิ่มอาวุธ ATT และช่วยให้คุณสามารถใช้ธนูได้โดยไม่ต้องใช้ลูกศรในระยะเวลาสั้น ๆ
Level 1: MP Cost: 13, increases Weapon ATT by 11 for 66 sec, able to attack without consuming arrows
Level 20: MP Cost: 22, increases Weapon ATT by 30 for 180 sec, able to attack without consuming arrows
ยิงธนูที่แนบระเบิด เพื่อโจมตีเป้าหมายและศัตรูใกล้เคียง
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 335%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Duration: 2 sec, Stun Chance: 22%
Level 20: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 525%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Duration: 4 sec, Stun Chance: 60%
Level 20: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 525%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Duration: 4 sec, Stun Chance: 60%
Bow Booster (Supportive : ช่วยเหลือ)
ต้องการสกิล : Bow Mastery (LV.5)
เพิ่มความเร็วในการโจมตีของอาวุธของคุณเป็นสองเท่า ต้องมีชุดติดตั้งอุปกรณ์
Level 1: MP Cost: 29, Duration: 20 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 sec
ปรับปรุง STR และ DEX อย่างถาวรโดยผ่านการฝึกกายภาพ
Level 1: Permanently increase STR by 6 and DEX by 6.
Level 5: Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30.
ยิงธนูขณะถอยหลัง ถ้าคุณกดปุ่มทักษะคุณจะยิงลูกศรอย่างรวดเร็วในขณะที่อยู่กลางอากาศ
Level 1: MP Cost: 3, if you press and hold the skill key after jumping a certain distance backward, you will attack enemies at up to 76% of damage for 2 sec while in mid-air
Level 10: MP Cost: 5, if you press and hold the skill key after jumping a certain distance backward, you will attack enemies at up to 103% of damage for 2 sec while in mid-air
[Specialized Skill] ช่วยให้คุณสามารถใช้ลูกศรพิเศษได้ 3 รูปแบบ สั่นจะเติมขึ้นอีกครั้งเมื่อคุณใช้ทั้งหมด 3. กดปุ่มสกิลเพื่อเปลี่ยนหัวลูกศรปัจจุบัน คุณจะเปลี่ยนเป็นลูกศรถัดไปโดยอัตโนมัติหากคุณใช้ลูกศรปัจจุบันทั้งหมด เลือดลูกศร: ดูดซับความเสียหายบางอย่างเป็น HP
Poison Arrow: ความเสียหายของสารพิษเมื่อเวลาผ่านไปสามารถวางซ้อนกันได้ถึง 3 ครั้ง Magic Arrow: ยิงลูกศรมายากลเพิ่มเติมเมื่อโจมตี ใช้ลูกศรพิเศษ 3 ลูกได้ ชาร์จใหม่โดยอัตโนมัติ
Poison Arrow: ความเสียหายของสารพิษเมื่อเวลาผ่านไปสามารถวางซ้อนกันได้ถึง 3 ครั้ง Magic Arrow: ยิงลูกศรมายากลเพิ่มเติมเมื่อโจมตี ใช้ลูกศรพิเศษ 3 ลูกได้ ชาร์จใหม่โดยอัตโนมัติ
Level 1: Blood Arrow: At 50% chance, absorbs 20% of damage dealt as HP
Level 1: Poison Arrow: At 90% damage, deals damage-over-time for 8 sec. Stackable up to 3 timesLevel 1: Magic Arrow: Has a 30% chance to shoot a magic arrow of that does 220% damage
ต้องการสกิล : Bow Mastery (LV.3)
ให้โอกาสในการจัดการความเสียหายเพิ่มเติมหลังจากการโจมตี ต้องมีอาวุธประเภทธนู
Level 1: Proc Rate: 2%, Damage: 100%
Level 20: Proc Rate: 40%, Damage: 150%
Level 1: Bow Mastery: 14%, Accuracy: +12
Level 10: Bow Mastery: 50%, Accuracy: +120
วิธีอัพสกิล Hunter 2ND JOB SKILLS
1. Arrow Bomb (อัพแต้ม 1), Soul Arrow: Bow (อัพแต้ม 1), Covering Fire (อัพแต้ม 1)
2. Bow Mastery (อัพให้เต็ม)
3. Soul Arrow: Bow (อัพให้เต็ม)4. Physical Training (อัพให้เต็ม)
5. Bow Booster (อัพแต้ม 6)
6. Arrow Bomb (อัพแต้ม 19/20)
7. Final Attack: Bow (อัพให้เต็ม)
8. Covering Fire (อัพให้เต็ม)
9. Bow Booster (อัพให้เต็ม)
ยิงลูกศรจับศัตรูที่อยู่ไกลที่สุดในระยะไกลสร้างความเสียหายและดึงตัวเองไปพร้อมกัน ในขณะที่เคลื่อนที่คุณจะไม่เกิดการชนกับมอนสเตอร์ เพิ่ม HP ของคุณด้วย
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, after attacking with 116% damage, moves by passing
through enemies. Passive Effects: Max HP increases by 4%
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, after attacking with 170% damage, moves by passing through enemies. Passive Effects: Max HP increases by 40%
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, after attacking with 170% damage, moves by passing through enemies. Passive Effects: Max HP increases by 40%
ลดอาวุธ / เวทย์ DEF และเพิ่มพลังโจมตีของอาวุธและความเสียหาย
Level 1: Weapon/Magic DEF: -4%, Weapon ATT: +4, Damage: +4%
Level 10: Weapon/Magic DEF: -40%, Weapon ATT: +40, Damage: +40%
ยิงลูกศรที่มุมสูง ถ้าคุณกดปุ่มสกิลค้างไว้จะยิงต่อไปเรื่อย ๆ ในขณะที่ยิงให้ใช้ปุ่มลูกศรขึ้นและลงเพื่อควบคุมแรงของการยิง ในขณะที่กำลังสกิลให้กดปุ่ม 'NPC Chat' เพื่อตั้งค่า Arrow Blaster ที่ตำแหน่งของคุณเพื่อยิงลูกศรโดยอัตโนมัติ ความล่าช้าต่อลูกศรคือ 120ms
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, attack up to 4 enemies, doing 123% damage. While casting, use Space Bar to set up Arrow Blaster, firing arrows that deal 87% damage for 20 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 7, attack up to 4 enemies, doing 180% damage. While casting, use Space Bar to set up Arrow Blaster, firing arrows that deal 125% damage for 20 sec.
การโจมตีอย่างต่อเนื่องเน้นความเข้มข้นของคุณเพิ่มความต้านทานสถานะผิดปกติของคุณ การต่อต้านสถานะที่ผิดปกติขณะที่หนังสกิลนี้มีผลบังคับใช้จะทำให้สามารถใช้สกิลคูลดาวน์ได้ นอกจากนี้ยังเพิ่มความต้านทานสถานะผิดปกติและความต้านทานธาตุทั้งหมดอย่างถาวร
Level 1: While attacking Abnormal Status Resistance will increase by 1%
for 33 sec regularly. When an Abnormal Status is resisted, Cooldown: 87
sec. Passive Effects: Abnormal Status Resistance and all Elemental
Resistances increase by 1%
Level 20: While attacking Abnormal Status Resistance will increase by 5%
for 90 sec regularly. When an Abnormal Status is resisted, Cooldown: 30
sec. Passive Effects: Abnormal Status Resistance and all Elemental
Resistances increase by 20%
ละเว้นการป้องกันของศัตรู เพิ่มความแม่นยำและความเสียหายทั้งหมดของคุณอย่างถาวร
Level 1: When attacking, ignores 6% of monster’s Weapon Defense. Increases Accuracy by 6% and total Damage by 5%
Level 20: When attacking, ignores 25% of monster’s Weapon Defense. Increases Accuracy by 25% and total Damage by 15%
ให้โอกาสคุณในการหลบการโจมตีของศัตรู เมื่อคุณประสบความสำเร็จการโจมตีโดยคุณใน 1 วินาทีต่อไปจะส่งผลให้เกิด Hit สำคัญ
Level 1: Dodge Chance: 12%, all attacks following a successful dodge for 1 sec will be criticals.
Level 10: Dodge Chance: 30%, all attacks following a successful dodge for 1 sec will be criticals.
ยิงลูกศรที่เต็มไปด้วยพลังเปลวไฟเพื่อโจมตีศัตรูได้ถึง 6 คน ศัตรูที่เข้าชมยังคงได้รับความเสียหายหลังจากถูกตีแล้ว
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 284%, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage Over Time: 62% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 360%, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage Over Time: 100% damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
จู่โฟม Phoenix เพื่อจัดการความเสียหายจากไฟให้กับมอนสเตอร์ถึง 4 ตัว มีโอกาสที่จะทำให้ศัตรูงัน เพิ่มการป้องกันของคุณอย่างถาวร
LV1: MP Cost: 43, Duration: 76 sec, Damage: 228%, Max Enemies Hit: 4,
Stun Rate: 41%, Passive Effect – Physical and Magic Defense: +3%
LV10: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 220 sec, Damage: 390%, Max Enemies Hit: 4,
Stun Rate: 95%, Passive Effect – Physical and Magic Defense: +30%
มีโอกาสที่จะทำให้ศัตรูจบลงด้วยการเป่าเดียวและกู้ HP และ MP
Level 1: 1% chance to instantly kill enemy below 3% HP. 1% HP & MP recovered upon instant kill effect.
Level 10: 10% chance to instantly kill enemy below 30% HP. 5% HP & MP recovered upon instant kill effect.
Ranger – Archer 3rd Job Skill Build
1. Schutike Eisen (อัพแต้ม 1), Arrow Blaster (อัพแต้ม 1), Roasting Shot (อัพแต้ม 1), Phoenix (อัพแต้ม 1)
2. Extreme Archery : Bow (อัพให้เต็ม)3. Marksmanship (อัพให้เต็ม)
4. Roasting Shot (อัพแต้ม 14/20)
5. Phoenix (อัพให้เต็ม)
6. Schutike Eisen (อัพให้เต็ม)
7. Arrow Blaster (อัพให้เต็ม)
8. Mortal Blow (อัพให้เต็ม)
9. Evasion Boost (อัพให้เต็ม)
10. Concentration (อัพให้เต็ม)
Bow Master – Archer 4th Job Skills
Shoots a wild flurry of arrows straight ahead.
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, attack up to 8 enemies with 263% damage 4 times.
Level 30: MP Cost: 32, attack up to 8 enemies with 380% damage 4 times.
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, attack up to 8 enemies with 263% damage 4 times.
Level 30: MP Cost: 32, attack up to 8 enemies with 380% damage 4 times.
Wound enemies to reduce their HP Recovery and Movement Speed.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, After dealing 458% damage, HP Recovery effect -24% and Speed -30% for 11 sec. Cooldown: 20 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 26, After dealing 530% damage, HP Recovery effect -60% and Speed -30% for 20 sec. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, After dealing 458% damage, HP Recovery effect -24% and Speed -30% for 11 sec. Cooldown: 20 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 26, After dealing 530% damage, HP Recovery effect -60% and Speed -30% for 20 sec. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Allows you to shoot without consuming your current quiver’s arrows for a
short time. The quiver cannot be changed. In addition, permanently
increases each quiver’s quantity and effect.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Current arrowhead is not consumed for 12 sec. Cooldown: 57 sec. Passive Effects: Increases Blood Arrow activation rate: 52%, Maximum HP Recovery Rate 5%, Poison Arrow DOT Damage 184%, Magic Arrow Activation Rate 33%, Damage: 224%. Increases Poison and Blood arrows by 10. Magic Arrow increases by 10 arrows.
Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Current arrowhead is not consumed for 30 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec. Passive Effects: Increases Blood Arrow activation rate: 70%, Maximum HP Recovery Rate 5%, Poison Arrow DOT Damage 184%, Magic Arrow Activation Rate 33%, Damage: 224%. Increases Poison and Blood arrows by 20. Magic Arrow increases by 40 arrows.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Current arrowhead is not consumed for 12 sec. Cooldown: 57 sec. Passive Effects: Increases Blood Arrow activation rate: 52%, Maximum HP Recovery Rate 5%, Poison Arrow DOT Damage 184%, Magic Arrow Activation Rate 33%, Damage: 224%. Increases Poison and Blood arrows by 10. Magic Arrow increases by 10 arrows.
Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Current arrowhead is not consumed for 30 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec. Passive Effects: Increases Blood Arrow activation rate: 70%, Maximum HP Recovery Rate 5%, Poison Arrow DOT Damage 184%, Magic Arrow Activation Rate 33%, Damage: 224%. Increases Poison and Blood arrows by 20. Magic Arrow increases by 40 arrows.
Launches arrows at tremendous speed like a catastrophic rainstorm.
Holding the skill key will fire arrows continuously. You can also move
while firing.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, 263% damage per arrow. While casting, move at 100% speed
Level 30: MP Cost: 9, 350% damage per arrow. While casting, move at 100% speed
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, 263% damage per arrow. While casting, move at 100% speed
Level 30: MP Cost: 9, 350% damage per arrow. While casting, move at 100% speed
Grants a chance while attacking to ignore enemy defenses by a small
amount, and deals extra damage in proportion to enemy defense rate.
Every time the effect does not trigger, the chance to trigger increases.
Level 1: When attacking, ignores enemy’s defense by 12% at 1% chance and deals 5% of enemy’s defense rate as additional damage. Stacks activation chance up to 10 times if effect does not trigger.
Level 20: When attacking, ignores enemy’s defense by 50% at 10% chance and deals 100% of enemy’s defense rate as additional damage. Stacks activation chance up to 10 times if effect does not trigger.
Level 1: When attacking, ignores enemy’s defense by 12% at 1% chance and deals 5% of enemy’s defense rate as additional damage. Stacks activation chance up to 10 times if effect does not trigger.
Level 20: When attacking, ignores enemy’s defense by 50% at 10% chance and deals 100% of enemy’s defense rate as additional damage. Stacks activation chance up to 10 times if effect does not trigger.
Required Skill: Final Attack: Bow (MAX)
Permanently increases ATT and Accuracy, and greatly increases damage and activation rate of Final Attack. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: Permanently increases ATT by 6 and Accuracy by 1%. Also has a 41% chance of activating 152% damage Final Attack
Level 30: Permanently increases ATT by 20 and Accuracy by 10%. Also has a 70% chance of activating 210% damage Final Attack
Permanently increases ATT and Accuracy, and greatly increases damage and activation rate of Final Attack. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: Permanently increases ATT by 6 and Accuracy by 1%. Also has a 41% chance of activating 152% damage Final Attack
Level 30: Permanently increases ATT by 20 and Accuracy by 10%. Also has a 70% chance of activating 210% damage Final Attack
Temporarily grants party members the ability to locate an enemy’s weak spot to deal fatal damage to that enemy.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Critical Rate: +6%, Critical Damage: +1%, Duration: 10 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 45, Critical Rate: +20%, Critical Damage: +30%, Duration: 300 sec
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Critical Rate: +6%, Critical Damage: +1%, Duration: 10 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 45, Critical Rate: +20%, Critical Damage: +30%, Duration: 300 sec
Increases the stats of all party members. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec
Greatly enhances DEX and Avoidability for a short time. Also permanently reduces damage taken.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 66 sec, DEX: +11, Avoidability: +1%. Passive Effects: Damage taken: -2%
Level 30: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 300 sec, DEX: +80, Avoidability: +30%. Passive Effects: Damage taken: -20%
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 66 sec, DEX: +11, Avoidability: +1%. Passive Effects: Damage taken: -2%
Level 30: MP Cost: 35, Duration: 300 sec, DEX: +80, Avoidability: +30%. Passive Effects: Damage taken: -20%
Required Skill: Bow Mastery (MAX)
Increases Bow Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage.
Level 1: Bow Mastery: +56%. Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Bow Mastery: +70%. Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%
Increases Bow Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage.
Level 1: Bow Mastery: +56%. Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Bow Mastery: +70%. Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Bow Master – Archer 4th Job Skill
1. Uncountable Arrow, Binding Shot, Time of Storm, Advanced Quiver (1)
2. Advanced Quiver (MAX)
3. Bow Expert (MAX)
4. Advanced Final Attack (MAX)
5. Uncountable Arrow (MAX)
6. Sharp Eyes (MAX)
7. Illusion Step (MAX)
8. Time of Storm (MAX)
9. Armor Piercing (MAX)
10. Wounds Shot (MAX)
11. Maple Warrior (MAX)
12. Hero Will (MAX)
1. Uncountable Arrow, Binding Shot, Time of Storm, Advanced Quiver (1)
2. Advanced Quiver (MAX)
3. Bow Expert (MAX)
4. Advanced Final Attack (MAX)
5. Uncountable Arrow (MAX)
6. Sharp Eyes (MAX)
7. Illusion Step (MAX)
8. Time of Storm (MAX)
9. Armor Piercing (MAX)
10. Wounds Shot (MAX)
11. Maple Warrior (MAX)
12. Hero Will (MAX)
Bow Master Hyper Skills
Arrow Stream – Extra Strike / Uncountable Arrow – Bonus Attack
Required Level: 149
Arrow Stream Number of Hits +1
Required Level: 149
Arrow Stream Number of Hits +1
Arrow Stream – Reinforce / Uncountable Arrow – Reinforce
Required Level: 168
Arrow Stream Damage +20%
Required Level: 168
Arrow Stream Damage +20%
Arrow Stream – Spread / Uncountable Arrow – Extra Target
Required Level: 189
Arrow Stream Max Enemies Hit +1
Required Level: 189
Arrow Stream Max Enemies Hit +1
Hurricane – Reinforce / Time of Storm – Reinforce
Required Level: 155
Hurricane Damage +20%
Required Level: 155
Hurricane Damage +20%
Hurricane – Boss Rush / Time of Storm – Boss Killer
Required Level: 177
Hurricane Boss Damage +10%
Required Level: 177
Hurricane Boss Damage +10%
Hurricane – Split Attack / Time of Storm – Split Attack
Required Level: 195
Damage decreased by 65% per shot but compensated by hitting twice.
300% (original damage) – 65% (hyper skill) = 235% damage. Final damage is 235% damage x 2 = 470% damage.
Required Level: 195
Damage decreased by 65% per shot but compensated by hitting twice.
300% (original damage) – 65% (hyper skill) = 235% damage. Final damage is 235% damage x 2 = 470% damage.
Sharp Eyes – Critical Chance / Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate
Required Level: 143
Sharp Eyes Critical Rate +5%
Required Level: 143
Sharp Eyes Critical Rate +5%
Sharp Eyes – Guardbreak / Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard
Required Level: 162
Sharp Eyes Ignore Enemy Defense +5%
Required Level: 162
Sharp Eyes Ignore Enemy Defense +5%
Sharp Eyes – Persist
Required Level: 183
Sharp Eyes Duration +30 sec
Required Level: 183
Sharp Eyes Duration +30 sec
Concentration / Preparation
Required Level: 150
Increase your proficiency with the bow to its peak, culminating in the perfect preparation for battle. MP Cost: 300, Duration: 30 sec, Weapon Attack: +50, Stance Effect: +100%, Boss Damage: +20% – Cooldown Time: 90 sec
Required Level: 150
Increase your proficiency with the bow to its peak, culminating in the perfect preparation for battle. MP Cost: 300, Duration: 30 sec, Weapon Attack: +50, Stance Effect: +100%, Boss Damage: +20% – Cooldown Time: 90 sec
Gritty Gust / Wind of Frey
Required Level: 170
Control the wind around you to create an explosive shockwave. MP Cost: 200, Damage: 500%, Number of Hits: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage Over Time: 200 damage every 1 sec for 10 sec – Cooldown Time: 15 sec
Required Level: 170
Control the wind around you to create an explosive shockwave. MP Cost: 200, Damage: 500%, Number of Hits: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage Over Time: 200 damage every 1 sec for 10 sec – Cooldown Time: 15 sec
Epic Adventure
Required Level: 200
A power only available to Adventurers who have explored the Maple World that increases your damage and maximum damage. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Max Damage: +5,000,000 – Cooldown Time: 120 sec
Required Level: 200
A power only available to Adventurers who have explored the Maple World that increases your damage and maximum damage. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Max Damage: +5,000,000 – Cooldown Time: 120 sec
Bow Master Hyper Skill:
1. Uncountable Arrow – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Uncountable Arrow – Bonus Attack (MAX)
3. Time of Storm – Reinforce (MAX)
4. Time of Storm – Boss Killer (MAX)
5. Time of Storm – Split Attack (MAX)
6. Preparation (MAX)
7. Wind of Frey (MAX)
8. Epic Adventure (MAX)
1. Uncountable Arrow – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Uncountable Arrow – Bonus Attack (MAX)
3. Time of Storm – Reinforce (MAX)
4. Time of Storm – Boss Killer (MAX)
5. Time of Storm – Split Attack (MAX)
6. Preparation (MAX)
7. Wind of Frey (MAX)
8. Epic Adventure (MAX)
Bow Master 5th Job Skills
Arrow Rain
Arrows fall like rain from the sky. This skill Does not affect enemies in the Damage Reflection status.
Level 1: Consumes 1000 MP to create an Arrow Rain zone at 5 sec intervals for 2.5 sec at the time of attack and increase +15% damage for 41 sec. The arrows attack up to 15 enemies at 260% damage 5 times at regular intervals. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP to create an Arrow Rain zone at 5 sec intervals for 2.5 sec at the time of attack and increase +27% damage for 65 sec. The arrows attack up to 15 enemies at 500% damage 5 times at regular intervals. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Arrows fall like rain from the sky. This skill Does not affect enemies in the Damage Reflection status.
Level 1: Consumes 1000 MP to create an Arrow Rain zone at 5 sec intervals for 2.5 sec at the time of attack and increase +15% damage for 41 sec. The arrows attack up to 15 enemies at 260% damage 5 times at regular intervals. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP to create an Arrow Rain zone at 5 sec intervals for 2.5 sec at the time of attack and increase +27% damage for 65 sec. The arrows attack up to 15 enemies at 500% damage 5 times at regular intervals. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Afterimage Shot Afterimage Shot
Shoot your bow so fast that an afterimage is created, attacking quickly enough to be seen. If the afterimage attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
Level 1: Consumes 800 MP. Create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 260% damage 2 times continuously for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds. [Passive effect: while Afterimage Shot is on cooldown, every 15 attacks, automatically create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 260% damage 2 times continuously for 1 second.] The active effect and passive effect cannot be activated at the same time.
Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. Create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 500% damage 2 times continuously for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds. [Passive effect: while Afterimage Shot is on cooldown, every 15 attacks, automatically create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 500% damage 2 times continuously for 1 second.] The active effect and passive effect cannot be activated at the same time.
Shoot your bow so fast that an afterimage is created, attacking quickly enough to be seen. If the afterimage attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
Level 1: Consumes 800 MP. Create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 260% damage 2 times continuously for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds. [Passive effect: while Afterimage Shot is on cooldown, every 15 attacks, automatically create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 260% damage 2 times continuously for 1 second.] The active effect and passive effect cannot be activated at the same time.
Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. Create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 500% damage 2 times continuously for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds. [Passive effect: while Afterimage Shot is on cooldown, every 15 attacks, automatically create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 500% damage 2 times continuously for 1 second.] The active effect and passive effect cannot be activated at the same time.
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